Gruppo MCR S.p.A. has a special attention to the projects quality. Commitment, professionalism and continuous improvement are the foundation of our business philosophy.
Gruppo MCR S.p.A. born in 2008 through the initiative of a management group from a long and significant IT experience of the Roman and national market. MCR Group offers a complete ICT services articulated in training, consulting and system integration. We have established ourselves in the domestic market by opening two new offices in the cities of Milan and Naples.
Where we are
Via Lorenzo Valla, 16
20141 Milano
02 84742219Rome
Via Tuscolana, 990
00174 Roma
06 647301Naples
Corso Novara, 10
80143 Napoli
081 7782111Verona
Via Francia, 21 C
37135 Verona
San Giorgio Martire, 2 D
70124 Bari
MCR Group S.p.A. has teams in different Italian cities. We offer consultancy to important companies, based in the cities where our operating offices are located, also in Florence, Bologna, Turin and Biella. Aiming to open soon new offices in these cities.
Through contacts at European level, our goal is to always expand ourselves more out of the Italian border.