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Claims Refunds is a product for the complete management of files relating to the reimbursements of the insurance branches.


Its Macro Functionalities are: Management, organization and insurance procedures planning Integrated insurance management policies, policyholders, practices, reimbursements real time of all information relating to policies e make sure.


Modular structure makes ClaiRe of interest for any market insurance Management of all insurance branches except for RCA branch RCN.

Strength points

infomazioni unico portale All information available in a single portal

Facilità di gestione Ease of management, analysis and research

Gestione efficiente More efficient management of resources

Velocizzazione tempi Speeding up the time needed to settle refunds

Riduzione costi Reduction of the management costs of insurance practices

Velocizzazione tempi Speeding up the damage/refund time

Informazioni puntuali Timely information on the status of your available practices for policyholders

Statistiche pratiche Statistics on the practices managed, both in terms of time and of costs

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Most Important Features

  • Management, organization and planning of procedures insurance

  • Integrated management of policies, policyholders, practices, refunds

  • Real-time feedback of all information related to policies and policyholders

  • Modular structure makes ClaiRe of interest to anyone insurance market

  • Management of all insurance branches except for the Motor TPL Class RCN

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