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GEO-Order Management is one of the most advanced platforms for the management of related commercial and production processes to the provision of consultancy and project management services.


In addition to the normal management functions related to the processes of the selling consultancy services, such as offers, orders, billing, staff training, the platform provides the business management a set of data analysis tools e to support decisions based on business systems intelligence and machine learning engines.


The platform also has connectors to external data sources that allow you to complete the information available to the management.

Strength points

Gestione integrata dei processi Integrated process management

Visione globale delle attività Global view of the activities

Integrazione con sistemi esterni Integration with external systems

Dashboard personalizzabili Customizable dashboards

Facilità d’uso Ease of use

Flessibilità e Scalabilità Flexibility and Scalability

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Most Important Features

  • Monitoring of company activities

  • Diagrams on the progress of the activities

  • Predictive models on the progress of processes

  • Orders

  • Offers

  • Sale

  • Billing of activities

  • Life cycle of activities for the provision of courses training

  • Documentation and communication

  • Contractual relations with employees

  • Employee activity during construction

  • Education and staff training

  • Attendance to customers and/or the company

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